Earn money from FB by telling them how they're doing

Facebook want you back and they’re making it pretty clear.

Conveniently, in a week where an open letter was published by employees of the company about misinformation, Facebook Inc. have unveiled an app called Facebook Viewpoints that allows users to provide feedback, earn points, and eventually earn cash.


Given their tumultuous year (or longer), this move is a swipe in the right direction for the company. The app is currently unavailable on the Australian App Store and there is no indication right now that it will be, but it is perhaps a safe assumption that Facebook Inc. will aim to include a broad cross-section of its global users.

The goal with Viewpoints is to improve all of Facebook’s programs: Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp and of course Facebook. Partake in surveys, tasks product trials to give the company an insight into how the platform performs from a consumer perspective.


Points are earned for the various activities that you complete, and once a user reaches a points balance of 1,000, they are rewarded with a direct debit of cash into their nominated account or PayPal. Seems pretty straightforward, especially for Facebook!

Viewpoints is justified to be “the best way to make products better [and] to get insights directly from the people who use them.” The release of the app seems to be rather delayed considering the Trump x Cambridge Analytica debacle of 2018 has turned many off Facebook— as a platform and as a whole entity— for the months proceeding.

In an ideal world, Viewpoints would work a treat. Could this just be a PR wonder by Facebook? We’re definitely intrigued to find out more given that it comes our way.

Check out Facebook’s video below about Viewpoints:


In the Hot Seat: Josh


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