HG from Home: Jo

What’s your desk set-up like from home?

When we first went into lockdown back in March, I originally worked off a dining table but that wasn't up to the task! I've upgraded to a sit-stand desk and second monitor and keyboard setup and it's so much nicer.


What have you enjoyed most about WFH?

I've loved the amount of extra work I've been able to get done! Don't get me wrong, I love being in the office with the team but everyone at Hotglue are too funny – it's impossible not to get drawn into some of the fun!

Have you overcome any challenges while WFH?

The biggest issue is turning off. It's important to have strategies to separate work from life and that becomes an even harder task when there's little physical distance between the two! I've maintained my normal routine and tried to force myself to take my lunch break away from the desk. It's the little things that help my brain switch off from work mode.

What do you miss most about being in the office?

The A-Grade banter. Slack doesn't quite cut it!

What have you been working on lately?

Transitioning the team over from onsite access to technology to Internet-based access has been no small task. After a big team effort, we're now at the point that we can do anything offsite that we could do when we were in the office. Humming along nicely!

Have you been doing anything differently?

There's not much that I've been doing normally!

What is your go-to snack at home?

I'm partial to roasted chickpeas.


Have you……

done a virtual meeting with trackies/pjs on? Ain't no shame in trackies. There is shame in PJs, though.

… shopped more online because you’re home to receive it? Yep – nothing I wouldn't have bought in person if I could though!

… had to balance working with a partner/housemate? Yep!

… enjoyed longer sleep-ins? I've been waking up earlier!


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