Most inspiring ads of 2019

Did you know that we are exposed to anywhere between 4,000 and 10,000 ads per day?

Insane amounts of money are thrown behind various campaigns, being pushed to thousands, if not millions of us on social media or through broadcasting on TV and radio.

On the flip side, we have to admire the pure creative genius that comes out of these ads, and this list celebrates the best ads of 2019 that aimed to inspire, push change and alter perspectives.

Respect Victoria: Active Bystanders

This TVC broke through the feminism conversation and focused both on the impact that sexual harassment and unwanted gazes have on females and males with varying directness. The short clip, with only inner dialogue, shows a woman being leered at on the train by a man who is a stranger to her. Her discomfort is visceral, and a feeling that a lot of women watching would have recognised immediately. The difference with this ad is that the “protagonist” was actually a fellow male passenger whose conditioned and rational thoughts fight against each other until he intervenes subtly.

Nike: Dream Crazy

Narrated by Serena Williams, this ad made a massive slam dunk in encouraging female expectations around sport and beyond. The minute-and-a-half long videos flicks through images and footage of women participating in sports and activities long associated with men; as well as totally throwing out the idea that women cannot be emotional about their successes. A strong message to dream big and dream crazier— and that goes for all of us.


Meat & Livestock Australia: Australia Day 2019

Probably the most humorous entry, the creatives behind the annual long-form ad chose to focus on something very un-Australian: New Zealand! The ad takes the viewers through a pitch to make the two countries one better, united place (with a steady PM like Jacinda Ardern!).

Apple: HomePod

Of course Apple makes it onto the list. Ah, the things you can do to advertise when you have millions in revenue to spend! The long ad stars singer F.K.A Twigs and was directed by Spike Jonze and was NOT done on a computer— it is all a built set.. You have to see it to believe it, amongst the emotion and very subtle but powerful promotion of the HomePod.

Miller Lite: Friends Not Followers

The motto for the ad, by beer makers Miller, is ‘Here’s to friends, not followers.’ Basically, head to a bar and have a drink with close friends instead of caring what your social media followers want from you. A simple message really.


Uber Eats: Tonight I’ll Be Eating… with Magda Szubanksi & Kim Kardashian West

A late but very important contender for 2019, this is creatively inspiring— some would say genius. Szubanski reprises her role as Sharon from Kath & Kim with a notable replacement. Kim Kardashian West is the new Kim, and the two debate bowl cuts, Aussie slang pronunciation and of course, what’s on the menu for dinner.


What's next for the media industry in 2020?


In the Hot Seat: Greg