HG from Home: Kylie

What’s your desk set-up like from home?

My dining room has become my creative place and workspace, which I love because I have lots of natural light and am close to the kitchen for a cup of tea!


What have you enjoyed most about WFH?

I feel significantly more productive - getting those commuting hours back each day has really helped. It's also been good to be able to turn up my Spotify tunes and put all of my songs on repeat - something I couldn't do in the office, because apparently, "we play too much Elton John" (something I don't agree is possible).

Have you overcome any challenges while WFH?

We've had some wonderful people join the digital team over the COVID period, and they've been onboarded entirely online - maintaining a connection with the team has been important and is quite a challenge only online. I've also had to learn to switch off at the end of the day in a space that is now both my home and my workplace - it was much easier when leaving an office!

What do you miss most about being in the office?

I really miss the people!  We have an amazing team culture. We also have really brilliant, productive discussions across all parts of Hotglue - I think we are doing the best we can to maintain that connection online, and we have a LOT of internal phone calls and video calls - but the laughs aren't nearly as good as when you're laughing with them in person.  

What have you been working on lately?

We've just ticked over into the new financial year, so it's been a great chance to review, reset, and work through some new strategies and plans for our clients in the year ahead! 

Have you been doing anything differently?

With digital media, you always need to do things differently to keep ahead of the trends — and A LOT has changed with the consumer and our audiences over the last 6 months — so we've been doing a lot of adapting and evolving!  From a personal perspective, I've been spending more evenings and weekends sewing (I completed a course right before the lockdown) and have managed to make three dresses! 

What is your go-to snack at home?

I'm quite partial to a wee sweetie treatie like a Tim Tam (or three!), and a cup of tea always goes down well in the afternoon!


Have you…

… done a virtual meeting with trackies or pjs on? Absolutely not, I am the pinnacle of professionalism (with new warm slippers on under my desk hehe).

… shopped more online because you’re home to receive it? No, without Demi nearby I'm not tempted by all of her parcels!

… had to balance working with a partner/housemate? Yes!

… enjoyed longer sleep-ins? Yes, it's nice removing the commute from either end of my day! 


What is the News Media Bargaining Code?


HG from Home: Nick